In a study in this month's Circulation, a new nasopharyngeal device was used to initiate cerebral cooling during cardiac arrest. This device, called RhinoChill made by BeneChill cools the major vascular structures of the brain thereby improving neurological outcome.
Use of this device was found to increase survival over CPR alone by 27% and a 26% increase in neurologically intact survival.
Intra-Arrest Transnasal Evaporative Cooling. A Randomized, Prehospital, Multicenter Study (PRINCE: Pre-ROSC IntraNasal Cooling Effectiveness). Published Online on August 2, 2010.
Use of this device was found to increase survival over CPR alone by 27% and a 26% increase in neurologically intact survival.
Intra-Arrest Transnasal Evaporative Cooling. A Randomized, Prehospital, Multicenter Study (PRINCE: Pre-ROSC IntraNasal Cooling Effectiveness). Published Online on August 2, 2010.