What can you do to minimize nosebleeds?
Use a humidifier in the bedroom and keep the door closed to prevent the humidity from escaping.
Use a nasal emollient like ponaris
Should nosebleeds persist, make an appointment with an ENT for nasal cauterization consideration. In essence, cauterization burns the culprit bleeding areas inducing scar formation which is less prone to bleeding. Watch the video below on how this is performed.
What should you do if you have a nosebleed? Use PRESSURE!!! In other words, pinch the fleshy bottom part of the nose together firmly for 10 minutes. Not where the bone is. See picture below:
All other methods that your mom may have told you won't really work such as using ice packs, tilting the head in one direction or another, etc. Think of a stab wound... To stop bleeding from a stab wound, you apply direct pressure. You don't add ice packs or raise the wound a certain direction to stop the bleeding.
If all else fails, go to the ER where nasal packing may be performed.
In rare cases, even nasal packing may not work in which case surgery or embolization may be required.
Read more about nosebleeds here.
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